Figure 1. Taken from Ref. [1].
We can definitely not miss this supramolecular achievement of Prof. Anderson’s group [1, 2]. They have built up this wonderful molecular architecture by the strategy of template-directed synthesis, which is a common strategy in supramolecular synthesis (Figure 1, part a). The template used is a Vernier template.
The result of this strategy is elegant (Figure 1, part b). The inner core is a dendrimer, while the outer core is a circular chain, combined with alternating diynes and zinc porphyrins. The inner dendritic core is locked inside the the outer circle via the pyridine N – Zn interactions. The imaginative ones should surmise that the assembly resembles a Ferris wheel. Also worthy of note is the meticulous use of palladium-catalysed cross-coupling reaction in the synthesis, for which its pioneers take home the Chemistry Nobel Prizes in 2010. What a blend of molecular beauty and creativity.
1. Vernier templating and synthesis of a 12-porphyrin nano-ring
Melanie C. O’Sullivan,Johannes K. Sprafke,Dmitry V. Kondratuk,Corentin Rinfray,Timothy D. W. Claridge,Alex Saywell,Matthew O. Blunt,James N. O’Shea,
Peter H. Beton,Marc Malfois& Harry L. Anderson
Nature 469, 72–75
2. The work is also covered in an article:
Supramolecular chemistry: Bigger and better synthesis
Christopher Hunter
Nature 469, 39–41 (06 January 2011).
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